Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Creating your own information products & using social media

I'm excited to share with you two informative audios to help you create your own WOW! The first is an interview with our latest CreateAWOW podcast guest, Stephanie Chandler, our official Entrepreneur Expert on IdeaMarketers and author of “From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money with Books, eBooks and Information Products.”

In this exclusive interview Stephanie shares tips and strategies for creating your own information products and marketing them online. To listen online or to download the interview to your computer or ipod, go to the CreateAWow podcast page.

Also, each month, IdeaMarketers.com is hosting panel discussions with our team of experts on various topics. Our February discussion was "How to Use Social Media to Build Your Business."

Visibility, online and article marketing experts joined the call to discuss ways they have used LinkedIn, MySpace, Facebook and Ning to build their businesses.

You can read an overview with excerpts from the call and find a link for listening to the recorded version on my IdeaMarketers blog.

I hope you find these audio's helpful!

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