Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What Makes Character?

"People of character do the right thing, not because they think it will change the world but because they refuse to be changed by the world."

Actor and Author of Michael Josephson
Radio Commentator

Monday, October 22, 2007

What Is IT?

Bob Proctor explains "IT":

"Great politicians have IT. Movie stars and sports heroes have IT. Super sales people and exceptional business leaders also have IT. What is IT? If IT was exclusively connected to personalities, you could possibly narrow this mysterious quality down to personal magnetism. However, there are times when you hear a new song on the radio and instantly you recognize this particular song is on its way to the top of the chart - this song has IT. The same is true of movies - some have IT.

There have been many low budget movies that have had IT, and conversely, some multi-million dollar productions with big name stars that did not have IT. Advertising agencies spend countless hours with some of the greatest creative minds in their industry looking for that one word or line that has IT, which will turn the ad campaign into the sensation of the year. On the radio you will find certain disc jockeys that have IT. Every Christmas a product hits the market that has IT and millions are sold. Every young woman will tell you there are certain guys who have IT and the guys will tell you there are certain gals that have IT.

What is IT? That is a good question, which no one has been able to answer although many have tried for thousands of years. IT, that magical, elusive something which most everyone is attracted to, cannot be purchased at any price and, if it could be, the price tag would very likely be out of our reach.

How do you get IT? I don't honestly know, although I've thought long and hard about it. I have come to one conclusion, if you happen to develop, find or stumble upon IT, you will probably be the only one who will not recognize you've got IT. And, since you won't know you have IT, you won't be able to tell us how to get IT.

Finding IT would surely make a big difference in our lives. Let's keep looking."

- Bob Proctor

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Price of Accomplishment

"Every worthwhile accomplishment has a price tag attached to it. The question is always whether you are willing to pay the price to attain it - in hard work, sacrifice, patience, faith, and endurance."

John C. Maxwell

Thursday, October 4, 2007

What Makes a Great Person Different?

"The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two is the difference between living fully and just existing."

Michael E. Gerber author of
The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It
